• 14 Jun 2021
  • SBS-ED
  • 3Min

Management Development Programme (MDP) Feature: Dr. Martin Mwaetako

Management Development Programme (MDP) Feature: Dr. Martin Mwaetako

Dr. Martin Mwaetako, Manager of Organisational Effectiveness and Employee Relations at the Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund exclusively shared with USB Executive Development his experience of the Management Development Programme.

“As an MDP alumnus I now comprehend the theoretical frameworks for team formation and various business models such as BMC, SPEEC, and VIRO. These models are relevant to my career which involves strategy formulation, implementation and management.

In addition to business models I can now employ various leadership models such as the Johari Window to be more self-aware, GROW when coaching individuals or teams, Leadership Diamond when addressing employees or crafting key institutional messages, and Stop-Start-Continue to reflect and prioritise issues at individual and organisation level.

I also learned that leadership meetings should be driven by passion and interest (not titles). In order to understand personalities, I will rely on MBTI assessments. But to be a successful leader, and while basing my conversations on data, quite often I will practice contextual or situational leadership style.

Moreover, I learned how to gather, analyse and utilise economic data to inform strategies and make effective decisions. I grasp the significance of studying trends on fluctuations of major currencies to project rates at which NSFAF can sustainably fund its foreign-based beneficiaries.

Furthermore, it has become clearer to me why it is necessary to align the budget to strategic objectives. In other words, we ought to develop an integrated strategic business plan prior to budgeting. I am encouraged to apply mixed budgeting methods and to separate variables from fixed items. Both the strategy and the budget must be reviewed more often (monthly or quarterly). Departments should consult each other to negotiate the budget in good faith, other than departments presenting to Finance in isolation, doing so will eliminate duplication of efforts and ensure synergy.

Additionally, to improve the image and reputation of NSFAF, it is critical to unpack its Marketing Mix’s 7 Ps. We should consistently educate internal and external customers about NSFAF products and services. But for the employees to give their all, it is imperative to win direct reports’ heads and hearts.

Lastly, I learned to apply sport management and coaching techniques to manage performance. In essence, we should get back to basics; planning, practicing, feedbacking and rewarding. Henceforth, behaviours should be aligned to attainment of strategic objectives (not necessarily key performance areas).”

The Africa Management Development Programme (MDP) is a strategic management programme packed with material focusing on broadening managers’ self-awareness, leadership attributes and management skills required in the ever-changing business environment. It does this by equipping managers with the insights needed for sound business integration, best management practices and how to apply strategic thinking in every decision that is made.”

Open to managers from any industry, this programme is ideal for those who are responsible for managing various business units and ready to dive deep into management development. This programme will empower managers to reinforce their managerial skill set and business acumen.

For further information and upcoming programme dates, please see here.

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