• 14 Dec 2021
  • SBS-ED
  • 5Min

Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP) Feature: Amos Xheko

Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP) Feature: Amos Xheko

Amos Xheko, Manager Engineering at Impala Platinum, recently completed the Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP). Speaking exclusively to Stellenbosch Business School Executive Development, he shares about his experience. 

“As a professional who operates within the corporate space, one of the requirements is that all management personnel must undergo a psychometric assessment,” he shares.  “During this period, I identified areas that I felt I lacked confidence in. I then entered into a contract with my immediate manager to embark on a journey to improve the shortcomings from the assessment.”

“After many years of building a career in engineering I felt that the time had come to equip my leadership and managerial skills, and I searched for an institution to assist with this personal development journey. I looked specifically at the institution’s credibility, relevance, user-friendliness, professionalism in administration and staff, and I found that Stellenbosch Business School Executive Development met all the requirements I was looking for. I enrolled for the Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP) in 2019 and I can categorically state that I’m still glad that I did so.”

“The course content afforded me the opportunity not only to improve on my work experiences but my whole life in general. At the start of this course, I asked myself a couple of questions. Thoughts of how I was going to have an impact on my peers at work, and the social groups that I deal with on a day-to-day basis (including my family), were running through my mind. This course has taught me to prioritize, even though sometimes it was difficult to get priorities straight! Everything within the programme was on point. The main take-away that I have implemented in my life is on developing strategies. But mention has to be made of the impact that the Economics, Strategy and Human Capital faculties have made for me.”

“I went in with some expectations of the programme, which included: the relevance with the era our country found itself, the socio-economic challenges that our country found itself in, and the involvement and the role played by the corporate world in enhancing our position in the worldly economy – but the highlight for me was the BDAL project, one of the requirements for the programme. Syndicates choose an NGO, NPO or an SE to assist them in improving their current state. I’m grateful that our syndicate chose a Social Enterprise. Our journey with this Social Enterprise is one that I will never forget, I will forever cherish the opportunity afforded to us by the owner of this magnificent SE.”

“I completed the programme just before the birth of COVID19, and it was during the early stages of the pandemic that leaders were challenged with changes. This is where the learnings came out handy, as leaders were called to think on their feet at all times. There were moments where we laughed, cried and most importantly pushed ourselves out of our comfort zones. The programme helped me to better understand myself. Through it, I managed to do a SWOT analysis on myself and addressed the areas that needed to be addressed. Furthermore, all the strategy techniques I had learned came handy in my new role that I was appointed to. The programme came at a time when our organisation went through a major shift in doing things – and what a privilege it was for me to implement all the learnings going forward!”

“I feel fortunate to have been facilitated through this programme by a strong and well-rounded faculty – including our learning facilitator, Belinda. Each member carried invaluable knowledge and experience which was extremely helpful to me. Some of them made a huge impact into my life and I couldn’t help but be stunned by the manner in which some faculty left my jaws hanging at moments of complete awe. Notably, the lessons and introspection done by Anne-marie and Samuel (Sammy) left me amazed.”

“The Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP) has turned me to be a better leader and family man. The learnings are relevant to my day-to-day life, and beyond that, my organisation has made big strides with the implementation of new ways that I managed to share with my peers since completing the programme. Speaking from a personal perspective, I am in a better state mentally and psychologically since completing the programme, and all these are important in my endeavour of becoming a better leader.” 

At the end of the Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP) programme one is guaranteed to be a changed individual who will see their lives, roles, and responsibilities with a different and positive eye. Among all the benefits, the main ones I can draw focus to are as follows: The faculties are amongst the best in further development and have credibility in delivery of content. Industries have seen the birth of sound business leaders who came through the Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP), many of whom are now at the helm of most leading and outstanding organisations. Additionally, the modular/block learning process gives the student the best way of utilizing what they have learned, while they are back at their respective places of employment/businesses. In closing, the networking that one receives is immeasurable, due to the world leaders that are products of USB Executive Development’s Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP). If someone wants to empower their knowledge in any level and that person is in senior management one name comes to mind and that is the Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP) with USB Executive Development.”

To find out more about the upcoming Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP) with USB Executive Development, please click here.

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