• 01 Sep 2023
  • SBS-ED
  • 3Min

My SMDP Journey…continued! Looking back at Sunil Singh’s Lincoln Journey.

My SMDP Journey…continued! Looking back at Sunil Singh’s Lincoln Journey.

After completing his Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP), Sunil Singh, ​​Production Manager at Novus Print Gauteng, had a sense of excitement, fulfillment, and achievement. “The SMDP offered me a platform to pursue and obtain a formal, internationally recognised honours qualification. Taking my studies further with the progression route into the University of  Lincoln was a definite yes for me, and the results I’ve achieved in hindsight have certainly paid off.” he shared.

“During the degree programme, I thoroughly enjoyed the content of the different modules and working with the highly supportive lecturers from the University of Lincoln. The professional growth that I experienced, in terms of career promotion and broader knowledge gained from the degree programme has been invaluable, and it happened so effectively and efficiently.”

“I must make note of the Integrating Leadership and Management Experiences module, as it was critical in understanding management styles versus reflective experiences, and aided me in my current position,” Sunil shared. This is something that distance learning through University of Lincoln is known for – as degrees are structured around the participants’ current roles and responsibilities meaning that a distance learning degree allows one to apply their learning in real-time to relevant projects. Degree programmes are designed to interface with existing roles, enhance work-based projects and can be completed part-time from anywhere in the world within 18-24 months.

Furthermore, within the Distance Learning facilities at the University of Lincoln, there is no final examination. Rather, assessment is continuous throughout the course of study. Each programme has specific learning outcomes, that assist participants to understand what they are expected to know and do to achieve academic success.

Lincoln International Business School offers a progression route to the final year of an undergraduate degree for Stellenbosch Business School Executive Development (SBS-ED)  alumni who have completed the Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP).

SBS-ED alumni have the opportunity to enrol on the following courses from the University of Lincoln in the UK: 

BA (Hons) Business Management

BSc (Hons) Engineering Management

BSc (Hons) Human Resource Management

BSc (Hons) Logistics Management

Through this partnership with SBS-ED, participants who successfully complete their SMDP can use the credits to reduce the amount of time it will take them to meet one of the University of Lincoln‘s degree programmes. 

To find out more about the partnership and to enrol, click here.

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