• 04 Aug 2020
  • SBS-ED
  • 4Min

Faculty Focus – MC Botha

Faculty Focus – MC Botha


USB-ED is fortunate to have access to more than 300 part-time faculty, consultants, business leaders and industry experts who facilitate on our programmes.
Today we would like to introduce you to MC Botha.

What is the toughest leadership challenge businesses face today?

At this very moment, I believe recovery from the economic meltdown post COVID19 is and will be the toughest business challenges faced by leadership in our generation.  The realities of the last few months have created a perfect storm, the magnitude of which the current generations have not experienced.  It makes for uncharted territory and innovative, inspirational and adaptive leadership will be required.  In a year’s time the universal business landscape will differ substantially from what we became used to in the past.  Zoom and social distancing will most probably remain part of our normal operational procedures with interesting implications for people management.

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned from a student to date?

I would rather refer to students as a collective.  In my field of lecturing, I have realised that the collective wisdom of the students or participants in your class outweighs your own.  Students can actually make a substantial contribution in teaching themselves if you are able to orchestrate and harmonise their knowledge.

Who inspires you and why?

David Attenborough.  Maybe it is because I am a greenie, but he portrays such an unwavering and motivational love for our planet and nature.  Notwithstanding his age, he still travels to the most remote and beautiful places on earth and then shares his experiences with a voice that absolutely captures your attention and focus.

What attracted you to work with USB-ED?

I have been with USB-ED now for 13 years, taking over from Prof Chris Brown.  In this time, I have presented Project Management to more than 7 000 students.  I firmly believe that Project Management is an essential life and professional skill that can make a difference to a person individually, your career and personal development.  In this process we changed people’s lives. 

Do you have a mantra or slogan that you live by?

A life philosophy that my mother shared with us, which in essence implies that one should always embrace a positive mind-set.  Her words (roughly translated): In life, there is always find time to learn, laugh and love.

What career advice would you give yourself looking back to when you started out?

Typically, between the ages of 35 to 50 one experiences growth, advancement and promotions in your career.  Be careful to manage the total spectrum of your priorities in these years.  Life does not allow for a “rewind” or “catch up” as far as family life is concerned.

Tell us about a book you have recently read?

I have a collection of Louis L’Amour novels and I have tried to read some of them.

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